Renewable energy is accepted as a key source for the future, not only for Turkey but also for the world. Turkey has a considerably high level of renewable energy sources that can be a part of the total energy network in the country. Turkey is located in the Mediterranean sector of Alpine-Himalayan Tectonic Belt and has a place among the first seven countries in the world in the abundance of geothermal resources. The share of its potential used is, however, only about 2-3%. The main objective of the present study is to review the development of geothermal energy (GE) utilization in Turkey, giving its historical development and opportunities. GE is used for electric power generation and direct utilization in Turkey, which is among the first five countries in the world in geothermal direct use applications. Direct use of geothermal resources has expanded rapidly last 36 years from space heating of single buildings to district heating, greenhouse heating, industrial usage, modern balneology and physical treatment facilities. Turkey presently has one operating geothermal power plant, located near Denizli City in Western Anatolia with an installed capacity of 20.4 MWe and an electrical energy production of 89,597 MW h in 2001. Recently, the total installed capacity has reached 820 MWt for direct use. The total area of geothermal heated greenhouses exceeded over 35 ha with a total heating capacity of 81 MWt. Ground-source (or geothermal) heat pumps (GSHPs) have also been put on the Turkish market since 1998. Though there are no Turkish GSHP manufactures as yet, 207 units have been installed in the country to date, representing a total capacity of 3 MW. GE is a relatively benign energy source, displaying fossil fuels and thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions. So, it is expected that GE development will significantly speed up in the country if the geothermal law becomes effective. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.