The development of suitable financing models plays an important role for long-term investments in green energy infrastructures necessary to achieve energy and climate targets. In this context, it is important to state that people do not demand energy per se, but energy services such as mobility, heating, cooking and lighting. These services are provided by a combination of different energy carriers and technologies. In this paper, the focus lies on the optimal financing of innovative technologies from the society's point-of-view. Therefore, long-term financing models of new energy solutions play a key role in three core areas: (i) investments in renewable energy technologies, e.g., large solar thermal, PV, wind power systems, (ii) investments in new network infrastructure for electricity, district heating, hydrogen, charging stations for battery electric vehicles, etc.; (iii) investments in energy efficiency. In this paper we observe that there is practically no degree of freedom in the market regarding choice of financing parameters such as interest rate and depreciation time. In real life, all long-term investments, e.g., in the area of electricity or district heating networks, are located in a strictly regulated environment.