Since the enactment of Algerian law on the protection of cultural heritage ( in 1998), including its implementing legislation, new regulatory and instrumental, are emerging to protect and enhance the historic urban groups considered as heritage. At the same time, the further development of communication and mobility, provide actors and managers of planning a variety of approaches to be implemented to achieve goals. These objectives are to identify and to mature continually. Dealing with the issue of the role of government and services in support of urban heritage, this article analyzes the contribution of managerial approaches in this area. The case study, namely Florence in Italy, is selected according to the size we wanted to emphasize throughout this paper. This is less the historic city center in itself, as actors, strategies and backup devices that are processed. Thus, the goal is not to seek to transplant models systematically, but rather to identify components of specific and relevant, meaningful and logical in relation to our urban heritage, including the Casbah of Algiers. The aim of this work is to open a site for reflection on the role and organization of public urban action and on the importance of project management. The optimization of this link may be the trigger a virtuous process, benefiting the entire chain of actors involved in the preservation of the Casbah, which is listed on the World Heritage List of U.N.E.S.C.O.