Aims and objectives To explore men's experiences of termination of pregnancy for life-limiting foetal anomaly, including how healthcare providers, systems and policies can best support men and their families. Background While there is a sizable body of research and recommendations relating to women's experiences of grief and support needs following a termination of pregnancy for foetal anomaly, very few studies specifically examine men's experiences. Methods Semi-structured interviews were completed with ten Australian men who had experienced termination of pregnancy for life-limiting foetal anomalies with a female partner between six months and 11 years ago. Interviews were completed over the telephone, and data were analysed using thematic analysis. COREQ guidelines were followed. Results Thematic analysis resulted in the identification of three over-arching themes, each with two sub-themes. First, participants described the decision to terminate their pregnancy as The most difficult choice, with two sub-themes detailing 'Challenges of decision-making' and 'Stigma surrounding TOPFA'. Second, participants described that they were Neither patient, nor visitor in the hospital setting, with sub-themes 'Where do men fit?' and 'Dual need to support and be supported'. Finally, Meet me where I am described men's need for specific supports, including the sub-themes 'Contact men directly' and 'Tailor support and services'. Conclusions Findings indicated that termination of pregnancy for life-limiting foetal anomaly (TOPFA) is an extremely difficult experience for men, characterised by challenges in decision-making and perceived stigma. Men felt overlooked by current services and indicated that they need specific support to assist with their grief. Expansion of existing infrastructure and future research should acknowledge the central role of fathers and support them in addressing their grief following TOPFA. Relevance to clinical practice Nursing/midwifery professionals are well situated to provide men with tailored information and to promote genuine inclusion, acknowledgement of their grief, and facilitate referrals to community supports.