The creation of large complex fracture networks by hydraulic fracturing is imperative for enhanced oil recovery from tight sand or shale reservoirs, tight gas extraction, and hot-dry-rock (HDR) geothermal systems to improve the contact area to the rock matrix. Although conventional fracturing treatments may result in biwing fractures, there is evidence by microseismic mapping that fracture networks can develop in many unconventional reservoirs, especially when natural fracture systems are present and the differences between the principle stresses are low. However, not much insight is gained about fracture development as well as fluid and proppant transport in naturally fractured tight formations. In order to clarify the relationship between rock and treatment parameters, and resulting fracture properties, numerical simulations were performed using a commercial discrete fracture network (DFN) simulator. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis is presented to identify typical fracture network patterns resulting from massive water fracturing treatments in different geological conditions. It is shown how the treatment parameters influence the fracture development and what type of fracture patterns may result from different treatment designs. The focus of this study is on complex fracture network development in different natural fracture systems. Additionally, the applicability of the DFN simulator for modeling shale gas stimulation and HDR stimulation is critically discussed. The approach stated above gives an insight into the relationships between rock properties (specifically matrix properties and characteristics of natural fracture systems) and the properties of developed fracture networks. Various simulated scenarios show typical conditions under which different complex fracture patterns can develop and prescribe efficient treatment designs to generate these fracture systems. Hydraulic stimulation is essential for the production of oil, gas, or heat from ultratight formations like shales and basement rocks (mainly granite). If natural fracture systems are present, the fracturing process becomes more complex to simulate. Our simulations suggest that stress state, in situ fracture networks, and fluid type are the main parameters influencing hydraulic fracture network development. Major factors leading to more complex fracture networks are an extensive pre-existing natural fracture network, small fracture spacings, low differences between the principle stresses, well contained formations, high tensile strength, high Young's modulus, low viscosity fracturing fluid, and large fluid volumes. The differences between 5 km deep granitic HDR and 2.5 km deep shale gas stimulations are the following: (1) the reservoir temperature in granites is higher, (2) the pressures and stresses in granites are higher, (3) surface treatment pressures in granites are higher, (4) the fluid leak-off in granites is less, and (5) the mechanical parameters tensile strength and Young's modulus of granites are usually higher than those of shales.