Recently an increasing trend in skin cancer rates has been observed in various populations including those exposed to different radiation types. Risk and dose-response following prolonged radiation exposure remain unclear. The present study was aimed to assess skin melanoma (SM) and non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) incidence risks in a cohort of workers occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation at low dose rates over prolonged periods. The study cohort included workers of a Russian nuclear production facility, Mayak Production Association (PA), who were first employed in 1948 +/- 1982 and followed up till the end of 2013 (the total of 22,377 individuals with 25% of females). Using AMFIT module of EPICURE software, relative risk and excess relative risk per unit dose (RR and ERR/Sv) were calculated. 60 SM and 294 NMSC cases were registered in members of the study cohort. SM and NMSC incidence was dependent on sex, attained age, age at first employment at the enterprise, type of facility, education level and was not dependent on calendar period of first employment, calendar period of diagnosis, duration of employment, smoking and alcohol consumption statuses. The risk of NMSC incidence was found to be significantly increased in workers occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation at cumulative doses above 2.0 Sv (RR = 2.52; 95% CI: 1.60, 3.97) compared to a reference dose category (0-0.05 Sv). NMSC incidence was found to be significantly associated with cumulative external gamma-dose with ERR/Sv of 0.49 (95% CI: 0.22, 0.90) without an adjustment for neutron dose and 0.51 (95% CI: 0.22, 0.93) while adjusted for neutron dose. Results of the analysis did not reveal a significant association of SM incidence with cumulative dose from external gamma-rays with ERR/Sv of 0.22 (95% CI: -0.29, 1.46) not including a neutron dose adjustment and of 0.15 (95% CI: -0.41, 1.31) while adjusted for dose from neutron exposure.