Within Western Australia, Perca fluviatilis is restricted to the south-western corner and is found in the Swan, Murray, Harvey, Collie, Capel, Carbunup, Margaret, Blackwood, Donnelly and Warren river systems. Age data suggest it was released into Big Brook Dam (Warren River) in 1992 or 1993, where it has since played a role in eliminating the native teleosts. Its success here is attributed to a young age at maturity, rapid growth (compared with populations elsewhere), predatory nature, large size (compared with native fish), broad environmental and habitat tolerances, and absence of predators. Gonadal development initiates in late summer, with peak spawning between August and September. Males and females attained maturity in their first and second years, respectively, which is earlier than reported for most Northern Hemisphere populations and can be attributed to their rapid growth here because of the warmer climate. At ages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, males, on average, attained 102, 159, 206, 246 and 280 mm total length (TL) and females had attained 104, 166, 228, 290 and 351 mm TL at the respective ages. Diets of fish 50-200 mm TL comprised mainly small aquatic invertebrates, whereas larger fish preyed almost exclusively on decapods, mainly marron (Cherax tenuimanus), and teleosts.