LaMgNi3.6Mo0.4 (M = Ni, Co, Mn, Cu, Al) alloys were prepared through induction melting process. The phase compositions and crystal structures were characterised via X-ray diffraction (XRD). The hydrogen storage properties, including activation performance, hydrogen absorption capacity, cycle stability, alloy particle pulverisation and plateau pressure, were systemically investigated. Results show that Ni, Co, Mn and Cu substitution alloys exhibit multiphase structures comprising the main phase LaMgNi4 and the secondary phase LaNi5. However, the secondary phase of the Al substitution alloy changes into LaAlNi4. The lattice parameters and cell volumes of the LaMgNi4 phase follow the order Ni < Co < Al < Cu < Mn. Activation is simplified through partial substitution of Ni with Al, Cu and Co. The hydrogen absorption capacities of all of the alloys are approximately 1.7 wt.% at the first activation process; however, they rapidly decrease with increasing cycle number. In addition, the stabilities of hydriding and dehydriding cycles decrease in the order Al > Co > Ni > Cu > Mn. Hydriding processes result in numerous cracks and amorphisation of the LaMgNi4 phase in the alloys. The p-c isotherms were determined by a Sieverts-type apparatus. Two plateaus were observed for the Ni, Co and Al substitution alloys, whereas only one plateau was found for Mn and Cu. This result was caused by the amorphisation of the LaMgNi4 phase during the hydriding cycles. Reversible absorption and desorption of hydrogen are difficult to achieve. Substitutions of Ni with Co, Mn, Cu and Al significantly influence the reduction of hysteresis between hydriding and dehydriding. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.