The Paper aim is to find the best opportunity for the Romanian companies, through combing the attraction of EU's structural funds for increasing the competitiveness (amounted to 2,554 billion euro for Romania). and using the best Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) software solution for offered by the most experienced software companies (the largest ERP vendors worldwide according to Gartner Dataquest are SAP with 28.7 market share. Oracle with 10.2 and Microsoft with 3.7. The authors have made a previous research in the field of ERP implementation in Romanian companies ( ERP implementation in the whole Romanian mining industry, in 2004 year). That research was based on a managerial research, made over 9 companies and 40 firms having over 47.000 employ. The study, was focused on the IT level of this companies, and has reveal many interesting facts about hard and soft facilities and also about ERP implementation. Now the authors have made a similar managerial research over companies from different areas of activity. companies that have implemented a ERP. CRM or SCM software using the software made by representative ERP software companies (SIVECO, Oracle and Microsoft). After 2007 (using the opportunity of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013) in conjunction with the 2008 financial -economic crisis, all Romanian companies must use the Sector Operational Program (SOP) "Increase of Economic Competitiveness" for implementing the e-economy (a collection of enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship Management (CRM), and supply-chain management (SCM) computer application). and some of them have already made it, and the paper present such results. Because Romania attract only a few EU structural funds, and also because the ERP implementation in Romania has a low rate, such a research had never been made, for the Romanian companies, and also the conclusion are very useful for a best ERP implementation.