Background Developments in ultrasound assessment of pregnancy has resulted in the increasing diagnosis of antenatal fetal issues. Many structural fetal conditions as well as complications associated with multiple pregnancies have the potential for in-utero treatment to improve both pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. Procedures such as laser ablation for twin-twin syndrome or cord occlusion for selective fetal termination require fetal immobilisation. Immobilisation of the fetus can occur through administration of medication to the mother or directly to the fetus. This improves procedural success and reduces the ongoing risk to the pregnancy. Evidence regarding the best medication and mode of delivery helps to ensure the optimal decision is made for both the mother and the fetus. Objectives To assess the effects of perioperative pharmacological interventions for fetal immobilisation during fetal surgery and invasive procedures on fetal, neonatal, and maternal outcomes. Search methods We searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register,, the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (10 May 2021), and reference lists of retrieved studies. Selection criteria We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs (including published abstracts) which compared different classes of medication administered to the mother or fetus to allow in-utero procedures to be performed. We also included cluster-randomised trials but excluded cross-over trials. Data collection and analysis We used the standard Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth methods for data collection and analysis. Two review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion and risk of bias, extracted data, and checked them for accuracy. Main results One study with three trial reports met the inclusion criteria. This involved 54 women with a multiple pregnancy. The study was conducted in a tertiary European hospital maternal-fetal medicine unit and compared remifentanil to diazepam for fetal immobilisation and maternal sedation during fetoscopic surgery. Low-certainty evidence suggested that remifentanil may reduce fetal movement more than diazepam for two outcomes of fetal movement, one of fetal immobilisation at 40 minutes using a visual analogue score (VAS) (where 0 = immobile and 100 = baseline mobility), and one of gross body and limb movements (score was absolute number of movements), both assessed by a sonographer evaluating a taped ultrasound sequence (mean difference (MD) -65.00, 95% confidence interval (CI) -69.38 to -60.62 and MD -10.00, 95% CI -11.62 to -8.38; 1 study, 50 women). Surgeons may also report being more satisfied with the procedure when using remifentanil rather than diazepam (risk ratio (RR) 2.88, 95% CI 1.60 to 5.15; 1 study, 50 women; low-certainty evidence). However, maternal respiratory rate may decrease more during the surgical procedure with remifentanil compared with diazepam (MD -6.00, 95% CI -8.29 to -3.71; 1 study, 50 women; low-certainty evidence). Maternal sedation may also be worse with remifentanil compared with diazepam (RR 0.09, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.65; 1 study, 50 women; low-certainty evidence) measured using an observer assessment of alertness/sedation (where a score of < 4 equates to profound sedation and > 4 equates to insufficient sedation). Perinatal mortality and time taken to perform the procedure were not reported in the trial. We prespecified 20 outcomes and planned to use GRADE for 6 of them, all other outcomes were not able to be reported against for the purpose of meta-analysis due to data not being provided or unable to be interpreted. We assessed the included study at low risk of selection bias (appropriate random sequence generation and allocation concealment), performance bias (blinding of participants and personnel), detection bias (outcome assessors were blinded), attrition bias (incomplete outcome data minimal), and reporting bias. Our GRADE assessment for certainty of the evidence indicates that there is low certainty of the evidence. Authors' conclusions We were only able to include one study with a small number of women, from a single centre, a European tertiary hospital. This study was published in 2005 with an abstract of this trial published in 2004. This study evaluated two intravenous medications administered to the mother - remifentanil and diazepam. This study reported our prespecified primary outcome but only evaluated several of our secondary outcomes, which limited further assessment. Low-certainty evidence suggested that remifentanil may be better at reducing fetal movements and surgeons were more satisfied with the procedure. However, maternal sedation and depression of breathing may be worse with remifentanil. Further high-quality RCTs assessing both fetal and maternal medications are required to evaluate their efficacy for fetal immobilisation as well as safety for both mother and fetus.