The data on growth, reproductive and productive performance of crossbred cattle maintained in farmers' herds around Bangalore were analysed. The average chest girth during first month and 12 months was 74.59 and 10G.9G cm, while the averages of body weights estimated from chest girth and body length were 33.84 and 129.17 kg respectively. Significant influence of farm was noticed on chest girth, body length, height at withers and body weight up to 24 months, while the influence of year and month of birth was significant only during certain ages. The percentage of calvings was associated with calendar month and season. It ranged from 6.15 in February to 10.22 in October. Among seasons, the highest percentage was in autumn (27.49) and the lowest (21.28) in winter. The averages of AFC, PPSI, SP, S/C and CI were 1168 days, 143.46 days, 226.89 days, 2.32 and 497.40 days respectively. Farm and year of calving affected them significantly. The average first lactation milk yield estimated from monthly test day records was 2624.50 kg, while the average over all lactations was 2654.89 kg. The effects due to farm and year of calving on lactation milk yield were significant. The effect of sire and age at first calving on first lactation milk yield were not significant. The results indicated that there is a need to evolve package of practices suitable for Farmers' herds not only to improve the performance of crossbreds, but also to reduce the variability in the performance due to variation in the management.