The allelic and genotype frequencies corresponding to 22 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 13 cytokine genes interleukin (IL) 1-alpha (T/C -889), IL1-beta (C/T -511, T/C +3962), IL12 (C/A -1188), interferon-gamma (A/T UTR 5644), transforming growth factor-beta (C/T codon 10, G/C codon 25), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (G/A -308, G/A -238), IL2 (T/G -330, G/T +160), IL4 (T/G -1098, T/C -590, T/C -33), IL6 (G/C -174, G/A nt 565), IL10 (G/A -1082, C/T -819, C/A -592), IL1R (C/T pst11970), IL1RA (T/C mspa111100) and IL4RA (G/A 11902) were determined in 130 healthy North Indian subjects. All genomic typings were performed with polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific assays. An analysis of the allelic and haplotype frequencies in the North Indian population showed a good fit with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for most of the SNPs. The data can be used for anthropological comparisons, as well as for association studies with different diseases and for use in transplant situations involving acute and chronic rejection.