Background: We evaluated the results of femoral bifurcation endarterectomy using the eversion technique with transection of the superficial femoral artery (femoral bifurcation endarterectomy with eversion [FBEE]). Methods: We included all patients who underwent a femoral revascularization using the eversion technique, with or without antegrade or retrograde revascularization, from January 2006 to December 2015. Data were retrospectively collected. Primary and primary assisted patency (PAP) of the femoral bifurcation were analyzed. Secondary outcomes were 30-day postoperative complications. Results: A total of 129 patients (143 limbs) underwent consecutive FBEE (86.8% men, with a mean age of 69.7 years). Patients presented with claudication (93, 65%) and critical ischemia (46, 32.2%). Primary patency was 96.3%, 94.6%, and 93% at 1, 2, and 5 years, respectively. PAP was 99% at 3 time points. Reintervention was necessary in 8 patients during follow-up. The 30-day mortality was 0.7% (1 patient), and the access complication rate was 18.8% (n = 27), of which only 2.8% (n = 4) were major complications. Conclusions: This retrospective study confirmed the efficiency and the reproducibility of this technique for the treatment of femoral bifurcation lesions. This technique allowed treating extensive atherosclerotic lesions of the deep femoral artery and may be associated with antegrade and retrograde revascularizations.