Background: The present analysis focuses on the long term psychological reactions to early stage breast cancer. Two hypotheses were formulated. The first hypothesis draws a direct link between tumour size/survival chances and Quality of life (QoL): The better the survival chances, the better QoL (biological danger model'). The second hypothesis assumes that localized early breast cancer has excellent prognosis (>90% five year survival rate), and that therefore QoL differences between various forms of early breast cancer should be minimal ('medico-pragmatic model'). Patients and methods: In a defined rural area with 252.000 inhabitants (small-area-analysis), a total of n = 389 patients with primary breast cancer were recruited. For the present analysis we selected a subgroup (n = 269) from the cohort by tumour size (pTis, pT1a,b, pT1c, and pT2). QoL scores for global quality of life, emotional functioning and future perspective were computed according to the EORTC manual and compared to age-matched norm data of the German population. Results: A total of 690 QoL questionnaires were obtained from n = 269 patients with comparable completion rates within the four subgroups (pTis, pT1a,b, pT1c, and pT2). For all four groups and in all scores there were improvements over time. Generally, pTis always scored highest, pT2 always lowest, the other two groups in between. After one year pTis patients had higher mean scores in global quality of life than the norm. In contrast, pT I a,b were considerably lower than the norm and the difference between these two was 17.2 score points. It seems that the small difference (3.5%) in five year survival chances between pTis and T1 a,b tumours transforms into marked differences regarding quality of life, thus supporting a biological danger model of the survival/QoL relationship. Conclusions: Our results show that physicians have to realise although their early breast cancer patients have excellent survival chances, psychological distress is present. From a clinical perspective we would recommend that early stage breast cancer patients, and especially patients with occult, pT1a,b tumours be informed about their excellent prognosis. In addition, cognitive therapy might help patients stop worrying about their cancer.