Background: The lives of individuals have become more inactive with the effect of industrialization and technological developments. Regular physical activity is of great importance in protecting the health of individuals and maintaining a quality life. Nowadays, with the widespread use of computer work, many sectors work by sitting. For this reason, physical activity gradually decreases and health problems occur due to inactivity. Aim: This study aims to determine the factors that prevent physical activity in working individuals. For this purpose, it was tried to determine the factors that prevent the physical activities of white collar workers. Methods: The sample of the study consisted of a total of 189 people working as white collar workers in 4 different businesses in Istanbul and Kocaeli. Physical Activity Barriers Questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were gathered through Physical Activity Barriers Questionnaire and analyzed by Independent Samples T Test and One - Way ANOVA test in order to examine the relations of scale scores with various demographic (gender, age, marital status, having children, education level, smoking, daily spent time using social media and/or watching TV) factors. Results: It was determined that participants' Physical Activity Barriers Questionnaire scores significantly differ in terms of gender, age, marital status, having children and smoking. Conclusion: It is seen that demographic characteristics of white collar workers affect the conditions that prevent physical activity. Creating suitable areas for sports activities for employees in the workplace, allocating time for physical activity, organizing sports tournaments etc. is simple, but practices that both protect employee health and increase motivation can be provided. Beside, bringing sports activities to technological environments can play an active role in orienting people to sports.