Many men are as obsessed as women with counting calories. They are preoccupied with their weight, diet frequently, exercise excessively, and binge and purge. Some subgroups of men have eating disorder rates higher than those of the general male population. One subgroup consists of men who participate in competitive athletics. Although there is increasing awareness of eating disorders in men, male athletes may continue to elude identification and be difficult to treat. Their subculture promotes the use of unhealthy measures, such as restrictive eating, binging and purging, and consuming steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. Professionals involved with the male athlete may not recognize these behaviors as problematic. In fact, they may not even look for the behaviors when dealing with men. Consequently, men's eating disorders are missed and misdiagnosed. Male athletes face a combination of cultural, political, and financial pressures that is unique and represents an added risk factor that could have long-term irreversible effects. It is imperative that mental health professionals be aware of the unique-to-men risk factors associated with disordered eating. This article illustrates how eating disorders as well as body image dissatisfaction manifest themselves in male athletes, how difficult it can be to engage them in psychotherapy, and how clinicians can address these concerns.