We initiated a biosystematic study of a recently discovered population of Calycadenia pauciflora in order to evaluate its cytogenetic relationship to previously characterized chromosome races of that species. Cytogenetic analyses of six or more artificially produced individuals of each of the five possible interracial hybrid combinations indicated that the new race (designated Wurlitzer) is differentiated from the other races (Elegans, Healdsburg, Pauciflora, Ramulosa, and Tehama) by the equivalent of 2-4 reciprocal chromosome translocations and in one instance apparently a pericentric inversion. Mean pollen stainability in the hybrids ranged from 13 to 26%. The floral and vegetative features of the new race are very similar to those of races Pauciflora, Ramulosa, and Tehama of C. pauciflora. We ascribe the apparent lack of single-step cytogenetic events in the evolution of the races of C. pauciflora to one or more of the following: (1) (in some cases) the occurrence of saltational chromosome reorganization; (2) extinction of or failure to detect intermediate populations in C. pauciflora; and (3) an insufficient consideration of the possibility of the existence of intermediate races in the closely related species, C. fremontii. We conclude that the C. fremontii-C. pauciflora alliance is one of the most complex and potentially instructive examples of diploid chromosome evolution in plants.