Individual mental feelings and reactions are getting more significant as they help researchers, domain experts, businesses, companies, and other individuals understand the overall response of every individual in specific situations or circumstances. Every pure and compound sentiment can be classified using a dataset, which can be in the form of Twitter text by various Twitter users. Twitter is one of the vital platforms for individuals to participate and share their ideas about different topics; it is also considered to be one of the most famous and the biggest website for micro-blogging on the Internet. One of the key purposes of this study is to classify pure and compound sentiments based on text related to cryptocurrencies, an innovative way of trading and flourishing daily. The cryptocurrency market incurs many fluctuations in the coins' value. A small positive or negative piece of news can sensate the whole scenario about the specific cryptocurrencies. In this paper, individuals' pure and compound sentiments based on cryptocurrency-related Twitter text are classified. The dataset is collected through the Twitter API. In WEKA, the two deployment schemes are compared; firstly, straight with single feature selection technique (Tweet to lexicon feature vector), and secondly, a tetrad of feature selection techniques (Tweet to lexicon feature vector, Tweet to input lexicon feature vector, Tweet to SentiStrength feature vector, and Tweet to embedding feature vector) are used to purify the data LibLINEAR (LL) classifier, which contains fast algorithms for linear classification using L2-regularization L2-loss support vector machines (Dual SVM). The LL classifier differs in that it can potentially alleviate the sum of the absolute values of errors rather than the sum of the squared errors and is typically much speedier. Based on the overall performance parameters, the deployment scheme containing the tetrad of feature selection techniques with the LL classifier is considered the best choice for the purpose of classification. Among machine learning techniques, LL produces effective results and gives an efficient performance compared to other prevailing techniques. The findings of this research would be beneficial for Twitter users as well as cryptocurrency traders.