The decapod crustacean assemblage inhabiting estuarine, neritic and continental shelf waters (to 190 m) of the temperate eastern United States is diverse, with 391 species reported from Maine to Cape Canaveral, Florida. Three recognized biogeographic provinces (Boreal in part, Virginian and Carolinian) are included in this region. The assemblage contains 122 shrimp species (28 penaeids, 2 stenopodids, and 92 carideans), 10 thalassinideans, 8 lobsters, 61 anomurans and 190 brachyurans. Since previous compilation of this fauna, 12 additional species have been described, including four carideans, one callianassid, four anomurans, and three brachyurans. Range extensions into the region have been reported for another five species (Parapenaeus americanus, Scyllarides aequinoctialis, Petrolisthes armatus, Dromia erythropus, Clythrocerus nitidus). One species, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, has been introduced and become established throughout intertidal environments from southern Maine to northern North Carolina. Six species previously recorded from this region are no longer considered to occur there. Two of these species occur south of the Carolinian biogeographic province, three others are now known to occur only in the Pacific Ocean, and one species previously considered as likely to occur in the region has never actually been recorded there. Scientific nomenclature for all species recorded from the region is updated and referenced. Geographic distributions are summarized for each species incorporating recent published information where available.