Pass rates are key assessment statistics which are calculated for nearly all high-stakes examinations. In this article, we define the terminal, first attempt, total attempts, and repeat attempts pass rates, and discuss the uses of each statistic. We also explain why in many situations one should expect the terminal pass rate to be the highest, first attempt pass rate to be the second highest, total attempts pass rate to be the third highest, and repeat attempts pass rate to be the lowest when repeat attempts are allowed. Analyses of data from 14 credentialing programs showed that the expected relationship held for 13 out of 14 of the programs. Additional analyses of pass rates for educational programs in radiography in one state showed that the general relationship held at the state level, but only held for 6 out of 34 educational programs. It is suggested that credentialing programs need to clearly state their pass rate definitions and carefully consider how repeat examinees may influence pass rate statistics. It is also suggested that credentialing programs need to think carefully about the meaning and uses of different pass rate statistics when choosing which pass rates to report to stakeholders.