During the Third Heelsum International Workshop, Nutrition Guidance of Family Doctors Towards Best Practice, December 10-12, 2001, Heelsum, the Netherlands, 17 papers were presented. Each paper was discussed by all the participants at the workshop. These discussions were tape-recorded, transcribed, rearranged into topics, and summarized here. There are situations that call for nutrition advice to be given by general practitioners (GPs). GPs are trusted, they are not selling any particular food, and patients accept that their GPs may talk to them about diet. Compared with dietitians, GPs have much less time to advise about diet, so they must condense information. It is easier for a GP to give dietary advice if the patient is registered on the practice's list and if the GP can be paid for preventive work. Six topics seemed to be particularly new and challenging in our changing world: (1) Use of dietary supplements, herbal preparations, and functional foods; (2) patients as partners; (3) computers in practices; (4) evidence-based medicine; (5) the Internet; and (6) the obesity epidemic. These topics were reported as problems and then discussed as opportunities. The aim of the Heelsum Collaboration on General Practice Nutrition was to facilitate the nutrition work of GPs in their practices by researching the problems and barriers and by testing solutions. In line with this aim, some suggestions for research are provided.