The energy sector with 70% public budget influence in Turkey is unsurprisingly one of the sectors over which most policies have been developed. Although Turkey is rich in terms of renewable energy sources such as solar, water, wind, geothermal; as the speed of the consumption of the energy generated through these resources is higher than the production, the use of other non-renewable energy sources is at stake, and increases the emission amount released into the environment depending on this type of energy used. In this study, Energy Extended Input-Output Analysis has been conducted using the data of emission occurred depending on energy use within the framework of energy economy as an interdisciplinary field of study. And research has been carried out on the mutual interdependency between energy and economy. This paper employs an analysis recently published as an input-output table of the year 2014 of Turkey and energy use emission data of the same year in the World Input-Output Database. The emission occurred as a result of one single unit of energy use in the sector of electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply, which are one of the two sectors including the whole components of the energy sector in Turkey, comes first with 51.4327 TJ/million-dollar coefficient, manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products, which is the other sector, ranks at the ninth row with the coefficient of 4.4556 TJ/million-dollar. As a result of the conducted analysis, while normalized total backward energy use emission linkages coefficients (BLj) equal 10.1074 TJ for Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply sector, they are 1.1676 TJ for the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products. Normalized total forward energy use emission linkages coefficients (FLi) are 21.448 TJ for electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, yet they are 1.3941 TJ for manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products. Policies on the sustainable use of energy in Turkey have been developed through the achieved results in the content of the study. Policies by focusing on the economy and prioritizing the role of energy in providing sustainable development, preferring environmentally friendly renewable energy sources, and encouraging less production of emission, have especially been mentioned. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.