In 2003, pedigreed families were obtained from two St. John's River sources, Penobscot River, Gaspe, and landlocked salmon stocks. Eyed eggs were disinfected upon arrival, and incubated in separate hatching jars. Fry were transferred prior to first feeding into individual 0.1-m3 tanks receiving 8 L/min of oxygen-saturated freshwater from a recirculating biological filtration system. At approximately 30 d after the initiation of feeding, fish densities were equalized to 250 fish/tank, fed 5% of the tank's total biomass in 3-4 daily feedings. When the fish were approximately 40 g, approximately 30 fish from each family were pit tagged and stocked communally into three replicated 10-m3 smolt tanks. Approximately 1 mo prior to stocking into sea cages for performance evaluations, evaluations of serum chloride levels and gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity were measured on subsamples from all stocks in freshwater and following seawater challenge. Smolts were stocked into sea cages in June 2005, harvested in February 2007, and evaluated for carcass weight, sex, and stage of sexual maturity. Data were analyzed by the mixed model ANOVA to determine the random effects of sire and dam (sire), and the fixed effects of sex, salmon stock, ploidy level, and replicate smolt tank on carcass weight with smolt weight as a covariate. Sire and dam variance components were significantly different from zero, and the fixed effects of salmon stock, sex x stock interaction, and smolt weight at stocking were significant (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences among sexes, replicate smolt tank, or ploidy level for carcass weight. Overall, St. John's River fish had the fastest growth with a carcass weight > 4.1 kg compared with the slowest growth in landlocked fish at 1.7 kg. Grilsing was also highest in St. John's River fish (ca. 4-6%) and lowest in Penobscot River fish (0%). The sire heritability for carcass weight calculated from the sire variance component using the mixed model ANOVA or MTDFREML was 0.26 +/- 0.14. Data were used to calculate breeding values on captive sibling adult brood fish, and a line selected for carcass weight was spawned in the fall of 2007, and eggs from these fish were released to industry.