Culture is an intangible force that influences organisational life and its practices. Also, it provides strength to gain a competitive advantage by enhancing employees' performance and job satisfaction (Rao, 2015; Kumar, 2018). The present study attempts to take insights from ancient or classical Indian texts such as Vedas, Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Manu Smriti, etc. to present a novel approach towards explaining each aspect of OCTAPACE culture. A literature review in this field shows that several studies have been done in management and human resource development from various perspectives. However, very few have been done to establish linkage between classical Indian texts and organisational culture, especially 'OCTAPACE'. As a result, this paper not only fills the gap in the literature of organisational culture but also provides some significant and insights on 'OCTAPACE' from ancient Indian philosophical perspectives. Moreover, such an attempt can help understand how ancient Indian values, which have stood the test of time, can help create a more sustainable organisational culture in the present dynamic world. OCTAPACE culture is relevant and critical for business performance and success because it brings higher efficiency and effectiveness.