Sphaeropsis pyriputrescens is the cause of Sphaeropsis rot in apples and pears. In this study, effects of temperature, wetness duration, relative humidity (RH), dryness, and interrupted wetness duration on conidial germination of the fungus were evaluated. Conidial germination and germ tube elongation occurred at temperatures from 0A degrees C to 30A degrees C. The optimum temperature for germination and germ tube elongation appeared to be 20A degrees C, at which a minimum wetness period of 5 h was required. Conidia germinated at RH as low as 92% after 36 h at 20A degrees C, but not at 88.5% RH. The effect of dry periods on germination depended on RH. Conidial germination at 85% RH was higher than that at 25% RH within a 4-h dry period, after which time no difference was observed. Less than 10% conidia germinated after a 10-day dry period at both 20A degrees C and 28A degrees C. Conidial germination decreased as the wetness duration prior to dryness increased. Conidia wetted for 6 h prior to dryness died within a 1-h dry period. After a 12-h dry period, no or few conidia germinated at 25% RH, whereas 3% to 10% of the conidia germinated at 85% RH and no further decrease was observed as the dry period increased. The results contribute to our understanding of conditions required for conidial germination of S. pyriputrescens and infection of fruit leading to Sphaeropsis rot.