There is evidence from experimental studies that the time interval from the peak to the end of T-wave reflects the transmural dispersion in repolarization (electrical gradient) between myocardial "layers" (epicardial, M-cells, endocardial). Since Congenital Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) is considered to be classical disease or repolarisation abnormalities, we performed the present study to assess the transmural dispersion of repolarization in LOTS patients. The study group consisted of 17 patients: 7 LQTS and 10 pts from the control group. In each patient the 24-hour ECG recording was performed on magnetic tape. The interval from the peak to the end of the T-wave (TpTo),vas automatically measured by Holter system during every hour as a measure of transmural dispersion of repolarisation. Thereafter the mean TpTo from 24-hours was calculated Irt addition the spatial QT dispersion was measured from 12 lead ECG and 3 channel Holter tape as a difference between the shortest and the longest QT interval between leads. The values were compared between groups using the Anova test. TpTo was 79,6+/-9,6 ms (72-92 ms) in LOTS group and 62,4+/-7,5 ms (51-70) in the control group (p<0.001). In LQTS group TpTo was significantly longer at night hours 72,5+/-2 when compared to day hours 87,4+/-8 (p<0.01). The spatial QT dispersion was significantly higher in LOTS patients when compared to control both in It-lend standard and Holter EGG. Congenital long QT syndrome is associated with increase in both transmural and spatial dispersion of repolarization. The extent of prolongation of the terminal portion? of QT in patients with congenital long Qr syndrome is greater at night sleep hours compared to daily activity.