AIM: We present our experience in the laparoscopic management of the hepatic cysts (SHCs) and the polycystic liver disease (PCLD), and a literature review. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between 2005 and 2018, laparoscopic deroofing was performed in 28 consecutive patients. There were 19 cases with SHCs and only 9 cases with PCLD (Gigot's type I). CT scan was performed in all cases to assess the characteristics, dimensions, and exact position of the lesion. Surgery was planned for all patients because of evident and persistent symptomatology, RESULTS: We have analyzed operative time, surgical procedure, blood loss, hospital stay, complications, and medium follow-up period. All the patients underwent laparoscopic deroofing of the larger cysts and puncturing of the smaller cysts. The total morbidity recorded was 25% (7128), 3 cases in the group of SHCs (16 %) and 4 cases in the PCLD one (44%) and was characterized of 3 cases of ascites through trocar insertion sites after removal of drainage tube and 4 case of pleural effusion. DISCUSSION: There were no significant group differences in term of length of hospital stay. The follow-up period (a mean of 24 months) confirmed that all the patients remained free of symptoms and relapse of the disease. Conclusion: The technical feasibility and the good short- and medium-term results made the laparoscopic approach the procedure of choice for the management of symptomatic liver cysts.