The traditional per-pixel classification methods consider only spectral information, and may be limited. Object-based classifiers, however, also consider shape and texture, firstly segmenting the image, and then classifying individual objects. Thus, a Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) was compared in conjunction with data mining techniques and a traditional per-pixel method. A cut of Landsat-8, bands 2 to 7, orbit/point 223/77, located between the municipalities of Cascavel, Corbelia, Cafelandia and Tupassi, in the west part of the state of Parana, from 12/18/2013 was used. In the GEOBIA approach was realized image segmentation, spatial and spectral attribute extraction, and classification using the decision tree supervised algorithm, J48. For the per-pixel method, we used the supervised Maximum Likelihood Classifier. Both approaches presented equivalent results, with Kappa Index of 0.75 and Global Accuracy (GA) of 78.97% for the approach by GEOBIA and Kappa Index of 0.72 and GA of 77.44% for the per-pixel classification. The classification by GEOBIA showed better accuracy for the soil, forest and soybean classes, and did not show the splash aspect, which visually improves the classification result.