Lattice gauge calculations require the existence of glueballs. In particular a scalar glueball is firmly predicted at a mass of 1700 MeV. This prediction has led to an intense study of scalar isoscalar interactions and to the discovery of several states. The number of scalar states observed seems to exceed the number of states which can be accommodated in the quark model. None of these states has a decay pattern which is consistent with that of a pure glueball but mixing of scalar (q) over barq states with the scalar glueball provides for a reasonable interpretation of the data. In this paper we scrutinize the evidence for these states and their production characteristics. The f(0)(1370) - a cornerstone of all (q) over barq-glueball mixing scenarios is shown to be likely of non-(q) over barq nature. The remaining scalar states then do fit into a nonet classification. If this interpretation should be correct there would be no room for resonant scalar gluon-gluon interactions, no room for the scalar glueball.