Methods: HRT was assessed from 24-hour Holter recordings in 110 pts with CHF (54 in NYHA class II, 56 in class III-IV; left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 30% +/- 10%) on optimal pharmacotherapy and quantified as turbulence onset (TO,%), turbulence slope (TS, ms/RR interval), and turbulence timing (beginning of RR sequence for calculation of TS, TT). TO >= 0%, TS < 2.5 ms/RR, and TT > 10 were considered abnormal. End point was development of end-stage CHF requiring heart transplantation (OHT) or all-cause mortality. Results: During a follow-up of 5.8 +/- 1.3 years, 24 pts died and 10 required OHT. TO, TS, TT, and both (TO and TS) were abnormal in 35%, 50%, 30%, and 25% of all patients, respectively. Patients with at least one relatively preserved HRT parameter (TO, TS, or TT) (n = 98) had 5-year event-free rate of 83% compared to 33% of those in whom all three parameters were abnormal (n = 12). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, the most powerful predictor of end point events was heart rate variability (SDNN < 70 ms, hazard ratio (HR) 9.41, P < 0.001), followed by LVEF < 35% (HR 6.23), TT >= 10 (HR 3.14), and TO >= 0 (HR 2.54, P < 0.05). Conclusion: In patients with CHF on optimal pharmacotherapy, HRT can help to predict those at risk for progression toward OHT or death of all causes. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol 2010;15(3):230-237.