The Monte Carlo method provides the most accurate dose calculations on a patient computed tomography (CT) geometry. The increase in accuracy is, at least in part, due to the fact that instead of treating human tissues as water of various densities as in analytical algorithms, the Monte Carlo method allows human tissues to be characterized by elemental composition and mass density, and hence allows the accurate consideration of all relevant electromagnetic and nuclear interactions. On the other hand, the algorithm to convert CT Hounsfield numbers to tissue materials for Monte Carlo dose calculation introduces uncertainties. There is not a simple one to one correspondence between Hounsfield numbers and tissue materials. To investigate the effects of Hounsfield number conversion for proton Monte Carlo dose calculations, clinical proton treatment plans were simulated using the Geant4 Monte Carlo code. Three Hounsfield number to material conversion methods were studied. The results were compared in forms of dose volume histograms of gross tumor volume and clinical target volume. The differences found are generally small but can be dosimetrically significant. Further, different methods may cause deviations in the predicted proton beam range in particular for deep proton fields. Typically, slight discrepancies in mass density assignments play only a minor role in the target region, whereas more significant effects are caused by different assignments in elemental compositions. In the presence of large tissue inhomogeneities, for head and neck treatments, treatment planning decisions could be affected by these differences because of deviations in the predicted tumor coverage. Outside the target area, differences in elemental composition and mass density assignments both may play a role. This can lead to pronounced effects for organs at risk, in particular in the spread-out Bragg peak penumbra or distall regions. In addition, the significance of the elemental composition effect (dose to water vs. dose to tissue) is tissue-type dependent and is also affected by nuclear reactions. (c) 2007 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.