An investigation on foods which are subjected to the action of microorganisms or their enzymes was concluded. Fermentative (lactic or alcoholic) and oxidative (acetic) processes were considered together with proteolytic and lipolytic activities. Fermented pro ducts represent a wide category of food which includes either well-known products like beer, wine, cider, bread, sauerkraut, salami, cheese, yoghurt either less well-known ones like brovada, chica, garum, kefir, kwass, natto, pickles, sufu, tamari, tempeh, umeboshi that are less well-known. All these products have been classified according to the raw material (cereal, vegetable, fruits, legumes, milk, fish, meat) or to the microorganisms involved in the biochemical reactions: lactic acid, acetic, propionic bacteria, yeasts and moulds. Classes of fermented foods were divided according to geographic areas to represent the diet of the differ ent regions of the world. Some conclusions can be drawn: -their importance in the diet for a better production of valuable bacteria in the intestinal tract; -their use in the diet of underdeveloped countries as important source of vitamins should be maintained; -that such a precious gastronomic heritage, that is also part of the Mediterranean diet, should not be lost.