The article focuses on the issue of the stylistic ranking (clarification of the system of stylistic labels) and correlation of stylistic labels with emotional and evaluative ones in the electronic lexicographic resource Database of Pragmatically Marked Vocabulary. The resource pursues the goal of the most complete lexicographic portraiture of the lexical meaning that contains pragmatic semantics (ideological, gender, nationalcultural and emotional-evaluative). The macrostructure of the Database, criteria for the formation of the glossary, ways of interpreting the pragmatic content are described in the works of the participants in the lexicographic project E.G. Basalaeva, E.Yu. Bulygina, T.A. Tripolskaya. The material of the research is emotional-evaluative vocabulary (mrak, mychat' (about human speech), vkalyvat', uzhas, balbes, nytik, myamlya, etc.) in need of special stylistic (colloquial, vernacular, rude, everyday, etc.) qualification. The authors relied on definitional, component and corpus analysis in the study. The study of the main explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language from the standpoint of the placement and correlation of stylistic and semantic labels allows obtaining the following information: 1) about lexicographic traditions relevant to the development of a new dictionary resource; 2) about possible dynamic processes in the field of stylistically marked vocabulary; 3) about the hybrid nature of stylistic and semantic labels: in some cases, stylistic labels (without emotional-evaluative ones) are designed to combine information about the sphere of use and emotional-evaluative semantics; and sometimes semantic labels, for example, contemptuous or abusive, serves as an indicator of colloquial or vernacular use. One of the primary tasks in the lexicography of these lexemes is the development of a possibly consistent system of stylistic and semantic labels. In the Database of Pragmatically Marked Vocabulary, the authors propose to use semantic and stylistic labels in parallel in relation to each other. The created Database makes it possible to present a lexicographic portrait of a pragmatically marked word, the presence and interaction of pragmatic microcomponents, their dynamics manifested in modern communication. Thus, the article analyzes the systems of vocabulary labels. The stylistic and semantic (emotional-evaluative) labels have been correlated, considering the seme and semantic variation of a pragmatically marked word; the algorithm for the lexicographying of emotional-evaluative semantics, which determines the stylistic characteristics of a word, has been developed.