Clinical evaluation of ceramic veneered titanium restorations according to the Procera technique - One-year results from a clinic working mainly with the Procera system for fixed prosthodontics
The aim of the present study was to present the design and one-year results of a study of crowns and fixed partial dentures (FPDs) made with the Procera system. Al patients at one clinic needing fixed prosthodontic restorations during a two-year period were invited. All 260 patients accepted to participate and they received 333 ceramic veneered Procera restorations - 242 single crowns and 91 FPDs. The loss of patients during the one-year follow-up was only 5%. The restorations were evaluated according to a modified version of the California Dental Association rating system. Practically all Procera restorations were judged as satifactory both at base line and at the one-year follow-up examination. Two crowns and one FPD showed fractures of the ceramic veneering. Another FPD had a fracture of a welded joint. Three single crowns came loose but could be recemented. In conclusion, the ceramic veneered Procera titanium restorations were well accepted by the patients and the success rate was high during the one-year follow-up period.