Introduction: Besides the severe respiratory symptoms of COVID-19, it has been reported that this infection is linked with some other oral manifestations. This study aimed at investigating the oral manifestations associated with COVID-19 among infected patients in Saudi Arabia. Materials and methods: A link to an online questionnaire was sent to 515 patients tested positive with COVID-19. The questionnaire comprised two sections. The first included questions related to sociodemographic data (age, gender, job, medical status), and the other included questions about the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 related to oral manifestations, namely to the gustatory system, salivary gland impairment and oral mucosal lesions. Data was presented as frequencies and percentages. The associations between sociodemographic data and oral manifestations were utilized using Fisher's test and Chi-Squared test, as appropriate. A P-value< 0.05 was considered significant. Results and discussion: Responses from 512 patients were received (response rate=99%). Most participants were <= 30 years (62.5%), female (76.6%), not working (60.4%), with no medical problems (82.4%). The highest prevalence was reported in the gustatory system, followed by symptoms related to salivary gland impairment and oral mucosal lesions. Age was significantly associated with loss of sweet sensation (P=0.018), dry mouth (P=0.023), and pain or swelling in the parotid gland (P=0.034). Gender was significantly associated with gustatory impairment, being higher in females (P< 0.05). The job was significantly associated with loss of sweet sensation (P=0.007), and loss of taste in general (P=0.010).Conclusions: Ageusia, dry mouth, and disphagia were the most prevalent oral manifestations among COVID-19 patients in Saudi Arabia.