As digital technologies penetrate and integrate into the industry, organizations are facing increasing pressures to apply digital innovation to update and transform their business models. To meet the growing need to guide the practice of digital innovation, progress have been made in the theoretical work of digital innovation management. However, due to digital innovation literature is increasing rapidly in recent years and research in different fields and disciplines is so fragmented, scholars are hard to have a general picture of digital innovation research. For the purpose of addressing this gap, this study tried to provide roadmap for the DI studies by answering the those questions: how digital innovation research evolved over time, how to understand the concept of digital innovation, and what research streams and opportunities exist in current digital innovation research. We conducted a systematic review with a hybrid methodology composed of bibliometric analysis and content analysis, covering the period 2010-2019. Results show that the current digital innovation research covers four perspectives: (1) connotation, process and outcome, (2) strategy, (3) resources, (4) organization and culture. Furthermore, we concluded research questions and opportunities for future research in different research fields.