We study the asymptotic behavior in time of solutions to the Cauchy problem for the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation [GRAPHICS] where a is an element of R. We prove that if \\u(0)\\(H1.2) + \\u(0)\\(H3.0) is sufficiently small, then the solution of (DNLS) satisfies the time decay estimate \\u(t)\\(L) infinity less than or equal to C(1+\t\)(-1/2), where H-m,H-s = {f is an element of S'; \\f\\m,s = \\(1 + \x\(2))(s/2)(1-partial derivative(x)(2))(m/2)f\\(L)2 < infinity}, m, s is an element of R, The above L-infinity time decay estimate is very important for the proof of existence of the modified scattering states to (DNLS), In order to derive the desired estimate we introduce a certain phase function. (C) Elsevier, Paris.