Introduction: Lupus is a rheumatic, autoimmune chronic disease requiring follow-up an adequate pharmacotherapy. Lupus patients are photosensitive: they should not stay under the sun for extended periods and should make an effort to avoid UV rays outside. The present project hopes to allow curricular integration among the learning experiences in some curricular subjects: Inmunology, Physiology, Pharmaceutical Care, Dermopharmacy, Compounding Pharmacy and Clinical Practice across a Service to the community. For this purpose, a collaborative activity of Learning Service has been developed with Lupus Patients Association in Aragon (ALADA). Learning and service objectives were defined according to the Service-Learning Methodology. The main learning objective was to promote the integration of theoretical and practical contents. On the other hand, the necessity for raising awareness sun protection was identified in patients as mean service needing. In this project, students will contribute to this important task, they're going to integrate the learning competences acquired in several subjects through the direct contact with patients. Methods and Activities: 25 students from different levels, 5 teachers and 6 patients took part in this project. Many activities were designed in order to qualify the future pharmacist to analyse and recommend lupus patients and present them the awareness of sun risks through practical seminars, learning while teaching methods, informative videos and workshop with patients. Results: All the results of the projects, videos, sun safety information, pictures and references were collected into a website format for patients use ( Students and patients value this results very highly: Patients gave very high assessment (9,8/10) the questions proposed to patients about the usefulness of the activities in the project. The 100% state they will recommend the activity and will participate again in any similar project. The 95,4% of the students answered that the activity should be repeated the following years. Conclusion: As a conclusion, at this project we have considered the lupus patient as a core axis for curricular integration; also, we have used the service-learning as a didactic strategy. Students have achieved skills for clinical intervention in patient care. Through this teaching methodology it has been possible to go beyond professional training and emphasize in the social dimension of university education.