This study examined the predictive validity and gender differences in the Sport Commitment Model (SCM; Scanlan, Carpenter, Schmidt et al., 1993) in adult triathletes. Age class triathletes (females; n = 75; males = 69; ages 19-72) completed a questionnaire assessing the model (sport commitment, personal investment, involvement alternatives, involvement opportunities, social constraints, social support and enjoyment). Both social constraints and enjoyment variables had poor measurement properties (lack of variance) and were dropped from the analysis. Hierarchical moderator regression indicated that involvement opportunities, personal investment, and attractive alternatives were significant predictors in the SCM (R(2) = .56). There was no evidence that gender moderated any of the relationships between predictors and sport commitment. The finding indicates the SCM is applicable to adult age class triathletes populations, although antecedent variables need careful conceptual and empirical clarification. The findings are discussed in terms of measurement and conceptual issues related to constructs in the model.