In the setting of metric measure spaces equipped with a doubling measure supporting a weak p-Poincare inequality with 1 <= p < infinity, we show that any uniform domain Omega is an extension domain for the Newtonian space N-1,N-P(Omega) and that Omega, together with the metric and the measure inherited from X, supports a weak p-Poincare inequality. For p > 1, we obtain a near characterization of N-1,N-P-extension domains with local estimates for the extension operator. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
FIQ Predio Dr Alberto Cassano CCT CONICET Santa F, Inst Matemat Aplicada Litoral, UNL, CONICET, Colectora Ruta Nacl 168, Santa Fe, ArgentinaFIQ Predio Dr Alberto Cassano CCT CONICET Santa F, Inst Matemat Aplicada Litoral, UNL, CONICET, Colectora Ruta Nacl 168, Santa Fe, Argentina