The present research will present the private entrepreneurs' characteristics and personality traits; it will describe a group of Jews who encouraged the development of Palestine during the interwar period. But at the same time, this presentation cannot ignore a survey of the entrepreneur's background and milieu - the environment he grew up in and the events which influenced him, the government and its relationship to private enterprise, and the social ideology in which the entrepreneur acts and develops his operations. The research question examines the connection between the economic and the Zionist ideological perceptions. Did this combination create a new type of entrepreneur - an enterprising investor who not only looked out for his own good but looked for ways to develop Palestine and change it into an economic centre, which would attract additional investors? The research assumption of this article posits that the type of entrepreneur who came to Palestine in the second half of the 1920s and during the 1930s, must be understood not only according to the theories which were mentioned above, but in light of the unique contribution of ideology - and in this instance - Zionist ideology, the entrepreneurs' background and entrepreneurial activity at its best.