No standardized method for susceptibility testing of Brachyspira spp. is currently available. A broth dilution procedure was evaluated and used to test the activities of six antimicrobial agents for 108 isolates of Swedish porcine Brachyspira spp. representing biochemical groups 1, 11, and Ill. Group I corresponds to Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, group 11 corresponds to B. intermedia, and group Ill corresponds to B. murdochii and B. innocens. A panel was designed with the antimicrobial agents dried in tissue culture trays with wells that allowed a liquid volume of 0.5 ml in each and agitation of the broth when incubated on a shaker. The MICs were determined by using brain heart infusion broth with 10% fetal calf serum. For 10 isolates, the results obtained in broth were compared to the MICs obtained on two different types of agar. Different inoculum densities and incubation times were also compared. The concentrations at which 90% of the B. hyodysenteriae isolates (n = 72) were inhibited in the broth dilution test by tiamulin (0.25 mug/ml), tylosin (>256 mug/ml), erythromycin (>256 mug/ml), clindamycin (>4 mug/ml), virginiamycin (4 mug/ml), and carbadox (0.06 mug/ml) were determined. The MICs tended to be lower in broth than on agar. Differences in inoculum densities and incubation times had little influence on the MICs. The evaluated broth dilution test was simple to perform, the end points were easily read, and the results were reproducible and reliable. No isolates with decreased susceptibility to tiamulin were found among the Swedish isolates tested.