Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine whether organizational rewards are able to improve knowledge sharing and have an impact on employee performance moderated by organizational culture type in Ternate Municipal Government. Design/methodology/approach The design for data collection a uses survey approach, that is a form of research conducted to obtain facts about the phenomena that exist in regional government organizations to seek more factual and systematic information. The research was conducted in Ternate Municipal Government area of North Maluku Province, Indonesia. The organizations of regional apparatus are public sector agencies responsible for providing services to the public. The population in this study is echelon IIb-IVb officials in regional apparatus organizations and certain structural officials. The units of analysis that are focused on in this research are the head of local agency, body, and office; the secretary of local agency, body and office; the head of board, the head of division, the head of the sub-board and the head of sub-division. Findings Organizational rewards in the form of giving economic rewards as remuneration, such as employee performance allowance, significantly affect individual attitudes in knowledge sharing. The interaction between the variable of remuneration with clan culture has a significant effect on knowledge sharing; these findings suggest that clan culture is a pure moderation variable that strengthens the relationship between remuneration and knowledge sharing. The result of this research proves that the interaction between the variable of remuneration with adhocracy culture has no significant effect on knowledge sharing. The interaction between the variable of remuneration with hierarchical culture has a significant negative effect on knowledge sharing. Market culture is not proven to moderate the relationship between remuneration and knowledge sharing. However, market culture variables directly and significantly affect knowledge sharing. Originality/value This research is the development of a research model conducted by Durmusoglu et al. (2014). The previous model uses organizational culture with a knowledge-sharing culture instrument, whereas this research develops organizational culture by using the type of organizational culture by Cameron and Quinn (1999), namely clan culture, adhocratic culture, hierarchical culture, and market culture. This type of organizational culture as a moderating variable can be expected to play a role in strengthening organizational rewards toward sharing knowledge and also impacting employee performance. Howell et al. (1986) revealed that organizational culture can strengthen the relationship between organizational rewards and disseminated knowledge. Hence, organizational culture moderates the relationship between organizational rewards for knowledge sharing to build upon Durmusoglu et al. (2014).