Objective The objective of this study was to assess whether in-hospital morbidity or mortality differed by race/ethnicity for preterm neonates admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Study Design In a retrospective cohort study, preterm infants, < 37 weeks, were admitted to the NICU from 1994 to 2009. Exclusions included structural anomalies and aneuploidy. Primary outcome was in-hospital mortality (IHM). Secondary outcomes were respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), interventricular hemorrhage (IVH), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Sub-analysis of very preterm (VPT) infants, < 28 weeks, was performed. Five racial/ethnic groups (REGs) were compared: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Mixed. Associations were modeled by logistic regression. White neonates (WNs) were the referent group. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for remaining REGs were reported. p value was significant at 5% for overall tests and at Bonferroni-corrected level < 0.0125 for betweenrace comparisons with WNs. Results Four thousand nine hundred fifty-five preterm neonates were identified; 153 were excluded leaving 4802 for analysis. After controlling covariates that were chosen a priori, there was no difference across REGs for IHM (all betweenrace comparison p values > 0.0125). There was a significant difference in RDS among Black neonates (BNs) (aOR 0.57, 95% CI 0.45-0.73; p < 0.001) and Hispanic neonates (HNs) (aOR 0.67, 95% CI 0.50-0.89; p = 0.005) compared to WNs. The risk of ROP was significantly different across REGs with HNs having a 70% increase in ROP (aOR 1.70, 95% CI 1.15-2.49; p = 0.008) and Mixed neonates (MNs) experiencing a 55% reduction (aOR 0.45, 95% CI 0.29-0.68; p < 0.001) compared to WNs. There was no difference in IVH or NEC across REGs (all p values > 0.0125). In the VPT cohort sub-analysis, BNs experienced a significant 59% reduction in IHM compared to WNs (BNs aOR 0.41, 95% CI 0.22-0.73; p = 0.003). MNs experienced a 46% reduction in ROP compared to WNs (aOR 0.54, 95% CI 0.35-0.81; p = 0.004). There was no difference in RDS, IVH, or NEC in very preterm infants across REGs (all between comparison p values > 0.0125). Conclusion In preterm neonates, in-hospital mortality does not significantly differ across racial and ethnic groups. However, in very preterm infants, in-hospital mortality for Black neonates is improved. There are morbidity differences (RDS, ROP) seen among racial/ethnic groups.