Background Due to the effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), most malaria-endemic countries resort to free distributions in the population with particular attention to pregnant women, a more vulnerable group. However, the mere issuance of ITNs does not usually translate to proper utilization. This study aimed to examine the utilization of ITNs and its associated factors among pregnant women in Myanmar. Methods The data analyzed in this cross-sectional study were extracted from available survey datasets of the 2015-16 Myanmar Demographic Health Survey. The secondary data were presented using a chart, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including simple and multiple logistic regression models. All analyses were performed using STATA, Version 15. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Of 466 currently pregnant women, the majority (96%) possessed bed nets for sleeping. Among them, 15.9% slept without a bed net the night before the survey, while 65.7% slept with untreated nets. Only about 1 in 5 (18.4%) slept under ITNs. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, pregnant women residing in delta and lowland regions [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 7.70, 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.62, 16.38], plains (aOR = 7.09, 95%CI: 3.09, 16.25) or hilly areas (aOR = 4.26, 95%CI: 1.91, 9.52) were more likely to report non-utilization of ITNs than those residing in coastal regions. Conclusion Relatively poor ITN utilization was observed among pregnant women in Myanmar. Health promotion activities for ITN utilization should be implemented especially for pregnant women residing in the delta, lowland, plain and hilly regions. Other social-behavioral factors including perceived susceptibility to malaria, knowledge of ITNs, and attitude towards ITN that might favor the non-utilization of ITNs need to be further explored.