(Conidial fungi front Caatinga: lignicolous species). An inventory of the conidial fungi was carried in six areas of extreme biological importance of the Caatinga bionic. Forty one species were identified: Dactylaria cazorlii Mercado, Gene & Guarro and Thozetella queenslandica Paulus, P.Gadek & K.D. Hyde are described the second time for science; Ellisembia bambusae (M.B. Ellis) W.P. Wu, Gonytrichum mirabile Hol.-Jech., Uberispora tropicalis Bhat & W.B. Kendr. constitute new records for the American continent; Acrophragmis coronata Kiffer & Reisinger, Bactrodesmium linderi (J.L. Crane & Shearer) M.E. Palin & E.L. Stewart, Piricauda cochinensis (Subram.) M.B. Ellis, Taeniolella alta (Ehrenb.) S. Hughes are new records for South America; Sporoschisma saccardoi E.W. Mason & S. Hughes and Stachylidium bicolor var. bicolor Link are new records for Brasil and Paraceratocladium bacilliformis Calduch, Stchigel, Gone &. Guarro is a new record for the Brazilian semi-arid region. The new records are described, illustrated and commented and a check list with all species found is included.