Purpose: The research aimed to evaluate the results of partnership formation and to debate the alignment of objectives of the co-branding planners and partners. Methodology: It was conducted through a case study addressing the program Supportive Action Estado de Minas. This is a charity program that, through the association of companies, seeks to raise funds to promote solidarity actions in registered institutions (kindergartens and orphanages). Five companies selected by convenience made up the sample. Data collected through semi-structured interviews, conducted by one of the authors, were evaluated based on content analysis. Relevance: The research relevance lies in the lack of studies addressing how the co-branding strategy, that is, the association of brands between companies, can add value to the final customer and what are the outcomes for the participating companies. Findings: The results of the co-branding partnership can be translated into financial gain, improved product or company image, increased sales, market share expansion and penetration into a new market. Theoretical contributions: As academic contributions, it was identified that the main objective of associating with co-branding strategies is the positive impact on the external and internal public of the partner companies, with the exposure and association of their brands in the practice of social responsibility. It was also identified that, for the small companies involved, the association with the brands of large partners tends to bring good results in the dissemination of their brands to the public that participates in the events.