Metrology assisted assembly systems constitute cyber physical production systems relying on in-process sensor data as input to model-based control loops. These range from local, physical control loops, e.g. for robots to closed-loop product lifecycles including quality management. The variety and amount of involved sensors, actors and data sources require a distinct infrastructure to ensure efficient, reliable and secure implementation. Within the paradigm of Internet of Production a reference architecture for such an infrastructure is established by four layers: Raw data (1), provisioning of proprietary systems (2), data aggregation and brokering (3) and decision support (4). In modern metrology assisted assembly systems, a virtual reference frame is constituted by one or multiple predominantly optical Large-Scale Metrology instruments, e.g. laser trackers, indoor GPS or multilateration based on ultra wideband communication. An economically efficient implementation of the reference frame can be achieved using cooperative data fusion, both by increasing the operative volume with existing systems and by optimizing the utilization of highly precise and therefor typically cost-intensive instruments. Herewith a harmonization is required as well from a physical perspective as in terms of communication interfaces to the raw data provided by the individual instruments. The authors propose a model-based approach to obtain a protocol-agnostic interface description, viewing a Large-Scale Metrology instrument as an abstract object oriented system consisting of one or multiple base units and mobile entities. Its object-oriented structure allows a realization of the interface in arbitrary structured communication protocols by adhering to fixed data transformation schemes. This approach is evaluated for MQTT (structured by topics), OPC UA (structured by data model) and HTTP/REST (structured by URLs) as key protocols within the internet of things. Moreover, the transformation between different protocols decouples software requirements of measurement instruments and actors, generally allowing a more efficient integration into cyberphysical production systems.