The greatest influence on classroom quality is exerted by the teachers. They form the nucleus of education. Excellent teacher educators are required. For teachers, the processes of learning and teaching are complimentary. There are difficulties in any career. In their professional lives, teachers must overcome many obstacles. To make teaching and learning more engaging and qualitative, teachers must recognize and comprehend children's needs, requirements, inadequacies, weaknesses, difficulties, problems, and strengths, among other things. Since the beginning of time, teacher education has been a crucial part of education. This is so that their cultures can be passed on from one generation to the next. All societies in the world have always needed teachers to do this. Teachers must be viewed as knowledge-makers and professional thinkers. A teacher must be a resource for information, a mentor, a facilitator, an assessor, a planner, a resource, and a developer. Teachers who are well-educated and knowledgeable command the respect of their peers and the residents of their towns. They must have the authority to acknowledge and value the lessons kids pick up from their homes, communities, and cultures, as well as to create opportunities for kids to grow, learn, and explore. As noted in policy documents and commission reports on education, teacher education has come under harsh criticism from a variety of sources. A cursory scan of surveys of Indian educational research that have been undertaken on a regular basis throughout the years demonstrates that the content, experiences delivered, and methods used in teacher preparation programmes have not altered. The failure of policymakers to support the desired access, infrastructure, teachers, and outcomes at every educational level must be deeply regrettable on both an individual and societal level. In this paper, the topic of quality improvement in teacher education is covered. Teachers have a significant role in improving instruction quality and fostering the development of a perfect human society. The paper is based on Secondary data.