Important international and national institutions have agreed to highlight the existence and fight against discrimination of the Afro-descendant population in recent decades in Cuba, which differs from the rest of the Latin American countries in several topics. In this regard, it seems appropriate that investigations of this type make it possible to evaluate the sociopolitical, economic and demographic situation of this ethnic group of the population in order to contribute to the establishment of adequate legal-regulatory frameworks and other strategies and actions to guarantee the exercise of their rights. For this, it is opportune to develop a methodology that allows the analysis of reliable statistical and documentary data on specific topics related to people recognized by the color of their skin and other physical features. The objectives of the research are: To highlight the sociodemographic differences of the Afro-descendant population in relation to the rest of the country's population, generating statistically based knowledge regarding what has been investigated in recent decades, to base historical, political, cultural and institutional conditions of the situation in which the Afro-descendant population finds itself socially and demographically on the Caribbean island and link the differentiation of discrimination to the conditions of marginalization and poverty of the Cuban Afro-descendant population. As findings of the work, it is found that the problem of ethnic discrimination still survives in Cuba, as a result of existing political and social imperfections, which can be observed in aspects of the national demographic panorama about what there is a limited diffusion.